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There are several ways to pay for your order. Depending on your whereabouts, you can choose the most convenient payment methods.

Bank transfer to a EU account – worldwide

It's still the most popular method. If you have a bank account n one of the EU countries, you can make a SEPA transfer cheap. It is a transfer in euro which we receive in 1-2 days.

VISA or Master Card payment – Europe

For the card issued in Europe, we offer instant online payment. We get the money in a few minutes and your order can be sent straightaway.

Cryptocurrency payment – wordwide

We take such cryptocurrency as: Bit Coin, Litecoin, Ethereum. Usually, it's an instant payment, however sometimes our action is needed (in this case we get the money on the following day maximum). You can make an easy and quick payment wherever you are, which is the main advantage of this method. Be careful when you make small payments as a commission might be high.

Payment on delivery – European Union

If you live in EU and your order is bigger, you can pay with cash on delivery. This method includes additional payment for the service, which is quite high. We recommend it only if you really cannot make the payment any other way.