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Indoor Cannabis Seeds

Here is a collection of the best Cannabis strains in the Indoor category. A carefully selected palette of Indian hemp seeds recognized by collectors from all over the world.

Here you will find strains that have become legendary among Cannabis enthusiasts, rare and exotic strains, and newcomers that will add some freshness to your collections and make your friends envious. We have grouped them for you according to the most popular characteristics, ensuring that even the most discerning collectors will find something for themselves.

What are indoor marijuana seeds?

Seeds from strains that are grown indoors are called indoor seeds. These are cannabis species that have been adapted to home cultivation conditions for years. They have been reproducing for many generations under artificial lighting in enclosed spaces with mechanical ventilation and human-controlled irrigation. Indoor seeds have adapted well to such environments and fare better indoors than outdoors, where all atmospheric factors are controlled by nature. This does not mean that they cannot manage outdoor cultivation, but they may require a favorable climate and conditions.

What types of cannabis seeds are in the indoor category?

In our presented list of cannabis seeds, we show only full-season varieties, i.e., those that bloom in response to a shortened photoperiod. In the indoor marijuana seeds category, however, you will find indica and sativa seeds, THC and CBD seeds, as well as feminized and regular seeds. We do not include any autoflowering seeds here - those that bloom automatically, because although they can grow indoors, they also feel good outdoors. For this reason, autoflowering seeds are in a separate category.

What distinguishes indoor seeds?

Photoperiodic varieties differ from automatics in many external features. Above all, the way they bloom is different. To enter the flowering process and start producing buds, they need a stimulus in the form of reduced lighting time. Cannabis plants receive such a signal as a sign of the approaching winter and begin to produce flowers.
Another difference is the dimensions that indoor seed plants can achieve. Since flowering does not start automatically in these plants like in autoflowering seeds, these plants can grow much larger. If flowering is not initiated, the growth phase can last for several years before the plant dies of old age. The height a cannabis plant can reach is 2 to 4 meters depending on the seed variety and does not increase after reaching its final size.

What indoor seeds are worth buying?

If you are creating your marijuana seed collection, it should definitely include species from the indoor seeds category. These are very popular varieties and, in fact, most legendary strains are in this category. If you are a beginner, opt for classic and well-known species like Amnesia, Lemon Haze, Jack Herer, or White Widow. For seed collectors with more refined tastes, we recommend American varieties like Girl Scout Cookies, OG Kush, Gorilla Glue, or Zkittlez. Everyone will find something for themselves.

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